2023-24 XL Team Coaches
For some age groups, there will be more than one XL team. We will add to the list as numbers dictate. Coaches are subject to change depending on availability and team formation.
B2014 (U10) XL - Danny Rogers
B2014 (U10) XL1 -Joel Mallari
B2013 (U11) XL - Milan Stojakovic
B2013 (U11) XL1 - Leo Peralta
B2012 (U12) XL - Hadji Sow
B2011 (U13) XL - Aaron Byers
B2011 (U13) XL1 - Chris Young
B2010 (U14) XL - Danny Rogers
B2010 (U14) XL1 - Scottie Inthoulay
B2009 (U15) XL - Caleb (Eli) Park
G2014 (U10) XL - Dylan Hargreaves
G2014 (U10) XL1 - Leo Peralta
G2013 (U11) XL - Radcliffe McDougald
G2012 (U12) XL - Josh Krafsky
G2011 (U13) XL - Scottie Inthoulay
G2010 (U14) XL - Radcliffe McDougald
G2009 (U15) XL - Dylan Hargreaves